What does using US Standard Crochet Guidelines mean?

Compare crochet pattern writings in the early 1900’s to just a few years ago and you will find writing styles of the “Designers/Publishers” in constant change, completely arbitrary.

In the last few years especially with the onset of the Internet – many designers/crocheters like you/crochet organizations/publishers are pushing for “standards” and not just in Crochet, but Knitting too. The Craft Yarn Council is an organization that is quickly pulling all this together (World-wide) and for those of us who are most affected are glad to see it!

Having a standard means less confusion and patterns sitting around because we can’t figure out the directions! So, I use the standards for crochet as they are being defined and published by the Craft Yarn Council. Find out more about them – follow link to their webpage <click here>.

You will find topics for Crochet and Knitting as well that covers;

Industry Standards


Categories: Crochet Standards, Instructions
Tags: Pamela's Patterns, UK Crochet Standards, US Crochet Standards