How to Lesson

HOW-TO Broomstick Lace lesson now available in FREE PATTERNS.

Learning a new crochet skill leads to more gifting possibilities!

Grab your crochet hook and broom stick and get started.


Celebrating SISTERS!

What a great event to celebrate! As we support each others efforts all around the world we can only get stronger and more proud of our accomplishments!


March 2019


C R O C H E T  ♥  M O N T H

could anything be better to wake up to?

Looking for projects? click on over to my website and get started on

something for Summer like Ugly Board Shorts or a Baptism Blanket

for the new baby on the way or just a quick Spring blanket Popcorn

and Sunshine because cool weather is still here. But most importantly

have a great month working on all the crochet projects you can!


March 2019 Calendar


IF you didn’t already know M A R C H is the official crochet month. That’s right no excuses, you get to crochet all month long! I didn’t have anything to do with this decision but will do my best to follow along♥
