The start of a Pie Crust Crochet Obsession – part 5


“see POST Part-4 enhancements made to the pattern instructions of Cherry Pie Motif”


A Pie isn’t a PIE without a CRUST, right?! So, here we go to put the Cherry Pie together with its Cherry topping (Motif) and Pie Crust bottom. Check out additional stitches added for this next phase of the Crochet Cherry Pie. Don’t forget to follow the Magic Ring link to a video to see how this is done.


Medium-4 Yarn, an ounce or so of each color.

MC: Red (Cherries) and CC: White (Crust)

Crochet Hook: F/5 3.75mm

Stitch markers

Tapestry needle


Magic Ring: Form a ring with yarn; leaving loose end about 6 inches long, insert hook in center of ring and under yarn coming from the ball. YO and draw through lp on hook: ch made. Ch 3 (counts as first dc); work as many dc in ring as specified in pattern; join with slip st to top of beg ch-3. Pull the 6 inch tail to close the center of work. This foundation start can also be called adjustable ring because the size can easily accomodate many stitches. Click on Magic Ring to be taken to a Red Heart Video on how to make this foundation beginning.

Picot: Ch 3, slip st in first ch made.

5-dc-Popcorn (Pop): Work 5 dc in specified stitch; drop lp from hook, insert hook front to back in the top of the first dc made, pick up dropped lp, and draw through lp on hook; ch 1 to secure stitch. Normally you would use a ch 1 to secure the stitch, in this pattern I am using 2 chs. Note, all popcorns will be gathered to pop to the front of the motif.

Shell (Shell): Work (sc, hdc, dc, tr, dc, hdc, sc) in specified stitch.

V-Stitch (V-St): Work (dc, ch 2, dc) in specified stitch.


beg: beginning, BPdc: back post double crochet, CC: contrasting color, ch: chain, dc: double crochet, hdc: half double crochet, lp(s): loop(s), MC: main color, Pop: popcorn, Rep: repeat, Rnd: round, RS: right side, sc: single crochet, slip st: slip stitch, sp(s): space(s), st(s): stitch(es), tr: treble crochet, YO: yarn over



Rnd 1 RS: With CC, Magic Ring, ch 3 (counts as dc now and throughout), work 11 more dc in ring, slip st into beg dc, ch 3, do not turn. (12 dc)

Rnd 2: Work dc in same st as beg ch-3, *2 dc in each dc; rep from * around, slip st into beg dc, ch 3. (24 dc)

Rnd 3: Work *2 dc in next dc, dc in next dc; rep from * around, slip st into beg dc, ch 3. (36 dc)

Rnd 4: Work dc in next dc, *2 dc in next dc, dc in each of the next two dc; rep from * around, slip st into beg dc, ch 3. (48 dc)

Rnd 5: Work dc in each of the next 2 dc, *2 dc in next dc, dc in each of the next three dc; rep from * around, slip st into beg dc, ch 3. (60 dc)

Rnd 6: Work dc in next dc, *2 dc in next dc, dc in each of the next two dc; rep from * around, slip st into beg dc. (80 dc)

Rnd 7: *Ch 3, skip next dc, sc in next dc; rep from * around, ending with slip st into beg ch-3 and ch-3 sp. (40 ch-3 sps)

Rnd 8: Ch 1, *(sc, picot, sc) in each ch-3 sp around; rep from * around, ending with slip st into beg sc. Fasten off if stopping here or continue to Rnd 9 and Rnd 10 to a Gorgeous Granny Square. (40 picots)



Tighten up sliding loop and weave in ends with tapestry needle. With right sides facing, lay Crust on surface in front of you, center Cherry Pie Motif on top of Crust, sew together.

Block if desired. Taking time to block your finished piece will enhance the project by opening up the stitch pattern, evening out lacework and creating straight, even edges, especially as your tension naturally loosens and tightens as you crochet.



Rnd 9 RS: Ch 4 (counts as tr), 6 more tr in same st, [(ch 3, BPdc around next sc of Rnd 7) 8 times more, ch 3, 7 tr in next sc of Rnd 8] rep between [ ] 3 times more around, ending with ch 3, slip st into 4th ch of beg ch-4.

I used a contrasting color in the picture above to better show the BPdc behind the Picot row.

If you pull the picot towards you while working the BPdc it will be easier to complete.

Rnd 10: [*(Picot, sc in next tr) 5 times more, ch 3, (skip next dc, 3 sc in next ch-3 sp) 7 times more, ch 3, sc in next tr)] repeat between [ ] 3 times more around, ending with slip st into 4th ch of beg tr. Fasten off. Follow Finishing Instruction.


Click on this link to be taken to the Free Pattern page to get the complete pattern.

I hope you will share what you make using my PIE CRUST OBSESSION inspiration!




The start of a Pie Crust Crochet Obsession – part 4


“see enhancements made since first publication”


ALWAYS write down the crochet hook size you are playing with right from the start!

“I must have needed that hook somewhere else, right?”

You may get distracted for several days (or weeks) from your design process (like I did) and when you come back to your project you’ll be scratching your head like me today on what hook I was using! If you have several crochet hooks the same size – leave it with the project – I did none of these things. Also, we could talk about tension changes too right now but I won’t! 

This is Part 4 of my Pie Crust Obsession. If you have been following along we will finish the top of the Pie. You don’t have to use the color I chose, I just thought it fitting for the holidays coming. Most of all I hope you have fun playing in C R O C H E T!




Medium-4 Yarn

MC: Red (Cherries)

Crochet Hook: F/5 3.75mm

Stitch markers

Tapestry needle


Magic Ring: Form a ring with yarn; leaving loose end about 6 inches long, insert hook in center of ring and under yarn coming from the ball. YO and draw through lp on hook: ch made. Ch 3 (counts as first dc); work as many dc in ring as specified in pattern; join with slip st to top of beg ch-3. Pull the 6 inch tail to close the center of work. This foundation start can also be called adjustable ring because the size can easily accomodate many stitches. Click on Magic Ring to be taken to a Red Heart Video on how to make this foundation beginning.

5-dc-Popcorn (Pop): Work 5 dc in specified stitch; drop lp from hook, insert hook front to back in the top of the first dc made, pick up dropped lp, and draw through lp on hook; ch 1 to secure stitch. Normally you would use a ch 1 to secure the stitch, in this pattern I am using 2 chs. Note, all popcorns will be gathered to pop to the front of the motif.

V-Stitch (V-St): Work (dc, ch 2, dc) in specified stitch.

Shell (Shell): Work (sc, hdc, dc, tr, dc, hdc, sc) in specified stitch.


beg: beginning, ch: chain, dc: double crochet, lp: loop, MC: main color, pop: popcorn, Rnd: round, RS: right side, sc: single crochet, slip st: slip stitch, sp(s): space(s), tr: treble crochet, YO: yarn over


Rnd 1 RS: With MC, Magic Ring, ch 3 (counts as first dc now and throughout), 4 more dc in ring, drop lp from hook, insert hook front to back in the top of the first dc made, pick up dropped lp, and draw through lp on hook (first pop made), ch 2, (pop, ch 2) 7 times more in ring, slip st to first pop, slip st into ch-2 sp, do not turn. (8 pops)

Pull 6 inch tail to close center of motif and secure.

Rnd 2: *In ch-2 sp, (pop, ch 2) again, ch 3; rep from * around, ending with slip st into beg pop and ch-2 sp. (16 pops)

Rnd 3: Ch 5 (counts as dc and ch 2 sp), dc in same sp, *ch 1, 3 dc in next ch-3 sp, ch 1, V-st in next ch-2 sp; rep from * around, ending with ch 1, slip st in 3rd ch of beg ch-5. (8 V-sts, 24 dc)

Tip: Marking with a stitch marker to keep track of rounds is a great idea. A simple contrasting yarn color works!

Move the stitch marker(s) to each new round.

Rnd 4: *Ch 5, sc in next ch-1 sp; rep from * around, ending with slip st into first ch of beg ch-5 and 3 more times in ch-5 sp. Place a stitch marker in first ch-5 sp. (16 ch-5 sps)

Rnd 5: *Ch 6, sc in next ch-5 sp; rep from * around, ending with slip st into first ch of beg ch-6 and 4 more times in ch-6 sp. Move stitch to first ch-6 sp. (16 ch-6 sps)

Rnd 6: *Ch 7, sc in next ch-6 sp; rep from * around, ending with sc into the fourth slip st of ch-6 sp. Remove stitch marker. (16 ch-7 sps)

Remove stitch marker(s).

Rnd 7: Work (sc, hdc, dc, tr, dc, hdc, sc) in ch-7 sp (first Shell made); *shell in next ch-7 sp; rep from * around, ending with slip st into beg sc. Fasten off. Weave in all ends (16 Shells)

That’s the top of our pie. Enjoy playing with this pattern,

would love to hear from you on what pie obsession your having.


The bottom of our Pie Crust will be coming soon

stay tuned for The start of a Pie Crust Crochet Obsession – part 5


Errata: Rnd 1 added “MC”, Rnd 2 added “and into ch-2 sp”, Updated Rnd(s) 4, 5, 6 and 7 for more clarification.


Color Wheels

Color Wheels

Are all they are cracked up to be!

Any artist who works with color probably understands what color wheels are, their importance and use. Color wheels are used in just about every industry like paint, fashion as well as crafts. Not being trained in the use of color wheels, I am color challenged every time! SO, I compensate in other ways with what I have.

I put my creative hat on to choose thread colors for the flowers that would best complement the crochet chain of brown and green. 

Diving into my bins of thread balls, I set a bunch of colors on top of a white surface in a circle, laid the crocheted chain across them and what-do-you-know I created my own color wheel! Funny thing the right colors just popped out!

Check out MARIGOLD  in Free Pattern Page to see what I chose for the flower colors.


Crochet GOLD Marigold Free Pattern

Another great Free Pattern in Thread! I hope you will give MARIGOLD a try.

If you want to be one of the first to receive my FREE PATTERN DESIGNS right off the design table, become a subscriber!


Free Crochet Pattern Lemon Drop


Continuing my goal of challenging you in 2018 to enter the world of thread!

I hope you will at least give LEMON DROP a try!

If you want to be one of the first to receive my FREE PATTERN DESIGNS right off the design table, become a subscriber!


Crochet Purple Elegance Granny Square

Purple Elegance Granny Square is a 4 1/2 inch granny square with a vibrant purple easy-to-crochet soft thread by Aunt Lydia

and a sparkling thread that when you look into the granny square looks like stars in the night sky.


Continuing my goal to challenge you in 2018 to enter the world of thread, I hope you will at least give this one a try!


If you want to be one of the first to receive my FREE PATTERN DESIGNS right off the design table, become a subscriber!

