Color Wheels

Color Wheels

Are all they are cracked up to be!

Any artist who works with color probably understands what color wheels are, their importance and use. Color wheels are used in just about every industry like paint, fashion as well as crafts. Not being trained in the use of color wheels, I am color challenged every time! SO, I compensate in other ways with what I have.

I put my creative hat on to choose thread colors for the flowers that would best complement the crochet chain of brown and green. 

Diving into my bins of thread balls, I set a bunch of colors on top of a white surface in a circle, laid the crocheted chain across them and what-do-you-know I created my own color wheel! Funny thing the right colors just popped out!

Check out MARIGOLD  in Free Pattern Page to see what I chose for the flower colors.


Crafts WOmanship

Women ROCK the Crafting World

Thank you Etsy for allowing us to share our crafty nature along with Crafty Women Internationally!

Etsy has been good to me for 8 years now and I want to thank all those who have purchased my patterns, liked me, shared me, pinned me, tweeted me or just browsed in my Pamela’s Pattern shop.

Sometimes the journey of a crafter is pretty lonely, we’re locked into our crafting space at home or other fav spot to create. Most times no one else is around and if they are maybe just indulging our passion as we strive for excellence. I am fortunate in that my significant other is very supportive … well mostly, he sometimes brings to my attention that I need to come out of my space every once in awhile! My reply is usually “okay – in a minute” ♥

So keep crafting my fellow crafty women, because without us the World would be less beautiful!

I hope you will follow me on my journey and you are welcome to become a subscriber

and receive goodies along the way. Thank you for reading my post and continue to ROCK!


Crochet GOLD Marigold Free Pattern

Another great Free Pattern in Thread! I hope you will give MARIGOLD a try.

If you want to be one of the first to receive my FREE PATTERN DESIGNS right off the design table, become a subscriber!


Free Crochet Pattern Lemon Drop


Continuing my goal of challenging you in 2018 to enter the world of thread!

I hope you will at least give LEMON DROP a try!

If you want to be one of the first to receive my FREE PATTERN DESIGNS right off the design table, become a subscriber!


Crochet Purple Elegance Granny Square

Purple Elegance Granny Square is a 4 1/2 inch granny square with a vibrant purple easy-to-crochet soft thread by Aunt Lydia

and a sparkling thread that when you look into the granny square looks like stars in the night sky.


Continuing my goal to challenge you in 2018 to enter the world of thread, I hope you will at least give this one a try!


If you want to be one of the first to receive my FREE PATTERN DESIGNS right off the design table, become a subscriber!



SERIES: Desire to Self-Publish INTRODUCTION

I think there are those of us in the “craft world” maybe ALL of us who create have this inner desire and passion to publish ……. something. We want to show others what our inspirations look like.

Even as the digital age grows there is no loss in the book publishing industry to publish craft books, it thrives and one area it does is in the world of crafts.

All my publications are on the Internet, I am a big believer in doing my-own-thing if you will and the Internet allows me to do that….and at minimal cost! The cost factor is why I chose to publish digitally in the first place.

There are many “how-to’s” and probably how-to “How-To!” publications out there with step-by-step “steps”. I’m not suggesting that how-to’s are not helpful, they are. If your drive is to publish at some point you will need to document your inspiration and have a place to capture that documentation as well as where to actually publish what you documented. Make sense?

I want to talk about something else entirely. Something that is more ethereal in nature. Or, broken down into its parts:

e (is) the (inspiration) real (real) = Is the Inspiration Real?

Does your inspiration have what can be identified as having Legs? Maybe others you have shown it too, have asked you to make one for them or how they could make it themselves? Does your inspiration have a physical place to be, a store shelf perhaps? Or a digital pattern, on a website? Or, do you seek a large Publisher to be shown in a book for those that seek such things?

If your answer is yes, then I encourage you to follow along as I share what I have learned publishing my CROCHET inspirations, what characteristics “IN YOU” that will profoundly help and move you forward in your craft.

Pablo Picasso ….. “I start with an idea and it becomes something else”



Translation: For-your-information my work-in-process mile-a-minute unfinished-object just got ripped out (frogged!).

Every craft has their own language shorties like CAL: crochet-a-long of friends and acquaintances all crocheting the same project, KAL for knitting.

I use “STASH” a lot meaning yarn you have on hand to use for whatever purpose (or your hiding!) and TALC which I do all the time “take along crochet”. I don’t go on any long road trip without a bunch of projects packed (stuffed!) in a carpet bag (remember those?). I can be found crocheting on a plane, sitting in a parking lot or a friends living room. I’m not picky! I even went to a seminar once and crocheted through the whole couple hours!

Check out Crochet Language on-line sometime, you won’t believe some of the shorties folks are using, I found out I’m a HOOKER!


Don’t make New Year Resolutions

Rocking Crochet in the New Year
Rocking Crochet

Happy New Year 2017!

Don’t make New Year Resolutions? Well, now you know that’s not true!  I do have many New Year Resolutions, the first is always to say a prayer and wish all of you a very good and prosperous year ahead. The second is a commitment said like a prayer to finish what I start!!!!!

Often I am working on too many things at once. But as an independent small business owner, that is always the challenge. So, this year I’m making an action list that makes more sense to me. That list contains short and long term activities. I pray it will keep me on track. We’ll see. God Bless everyone in the New Year and may you achieve all Your Goals and Resolutions.


Crochet and Cooking

Crochet and Cooking

Crochet Designer cooking is the same as a head chef, I think. Truly, that is what I am a chef and hook winder! Creating a meal menu with all its components is intricate. From planning the Menu, Purchasing ingredients, Prepping and Timing, all of the components as intricate as laying out a new crochet design. A chef will anticipate your first bite. A crochet designer will anticipate your first glimpse! Both of us anxiously await your reaction!

As a crochet designer, I ask myself many questions like: what thread or yarn, color or colors, technique of stitches to achieve texture, what will the texture be?

Very slowly and sometimes painstakingly, the form I desire begins to take shape. The numbers work out. The vision becomes a reality. My joy builds and my heart beats faster, driving the hook in my hand to the finish line. The finished piece becomes a reality.

Your comments and social sharing goes a long way to boost the inner joy of the designer, me, and I thank you. Many of my followers have written such lovely things about their crochet experience making one or more of my designs. See more on my website Pamela Veller Crochet and Pamela’s Patterns Etsy Shop.

