There are MANY suggested finished sizes for blankets…by designers and by manufacturers.

What is important is who is the blanket for? This will determine the size you seek. So, is it for a newborn? A toddler? A tween? An adult? A bed? If a bed is it for a crib, stroller, daybed, twin bed, queen bed or king or super king bed?

A crochet pattern should always give you a finished size. If gauge is important than that information should be provided as well.

Gauge is how many crochet stitches and rows in a given measurement is needed to achieve the finished project.

Generally all gauge is measured by 4 inches wide by 4 inches length. Also, the hook size to achieve it is noted too. You may also see crochet gauge given in a particular stitch pattern as well, not unusual.

Your tension is important and your crochet technique. You may need to change crochet hook size – larger or smaller to achieve the pattern gauge recommendation.

Be cautious about using the manufacturers wrapper gauge as it does not often represent the crochet designers pattern suggestion.

Download and add the BLANKET SIZE GUIDE to your quick reference library.



As I pin and pin AND PIN, I have to keep saying to myself “GAUGE MATTERS” even as my fingers cry out STOP!

Okay, okay, blocking is not really so bad. Once you have done this vital step, you will know a lot more about your personal tension to details.

Blocking thread projects is a good idea because it opens up the beauty of your crochet work, straightening lines into squares to reveal the finished project beautiful symmetry.

You’ve worked hard to get here, do your blocking like a good crocheter!

So, I say “JUST DO IT”, you will be glad you did.
