Sometimes you have to put down the crochet hook and lay aside the pattern notes, pens and pencils and papers and shuffle through the variety of fiber laying at the feet to go outside and smell the flowers, pickup the sticks and pull the weeds! 

Nature is AMAZING! As I watch the weeping cherry, pear and crabapple burst their beautiful flowers into full glory, every day the flowers growing bigger and brighter in color, covering the branches from view, way before the leaves appear………when BAM along comes the storms that strips them apart. The grass below is littered with blossoms, the air looks like snow falling and I can’t help but wonder at the organization of it all. Then the rain comes and pounds all those seeds where they need to be to grow. Honestly, man just couldn’t set up anything like that and reach such perfection. I am always in awe and thank our Lord for such blessings.